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Entrepreneurship is the new sexy

With the high unemployment rate, stimulating entrepreneurial growth, through self-employment is the only logical solution to a problem that is currently crippling Africa.   Entrepreneurship is the way to go because getting a job is no longer a viable option and having the mindset of an employee is limiting.  And sustaining your livelihood through entrepreneurship..

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Business elevator pitch: harnessing your business idea

Do you have an existing business idea but do not know how to move from idea to implementation to operation and success?   It has been said that entrepreneurship can combat the high unemployment rate because owning a successful business is the BEST way to achieve financial independence.   Unfortunately, it is not that easy…

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My Blockchain Adventure

PNXT: John, thank you for taking the time to speak to us today. You have been focusing, professionally, on blockchain technology and crypto-currencies for about two and a half years now. And you’ve been in the tech sector for almost a decade. Tell us about how you entered the blockchain sphere and what blockchain is..

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Crypto Investing: don’t fall prey to wolves

There’s a fine line between investing and trading. Cryptocurrency investing isn’t trading nor is it associated with trading and that is where the misconception and confusion come from. And with the changing business landscape, it seems as though the best way to create wealth in today’s era is to invest in disruptive innovative projects or..

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Entrepreneurship: hobby or passion?

Entrepreneurship isn’t for the faint-hearted, it requires sacrifice, patience and hard work. So how do you know if entrepreneurship is for you? How do you know if you should plunge or not?   Are there any signs one should look out for if they are thinking of being an entrepreneur or starting their own business?..

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