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Blockchain’s potential and Cryptovecs’ solutions

PNXT: Tell us about Cryptovecs Capital… what solutions are you providing for businesses and individuals that are also enthusiastic about blockchain?   The idea behind Cryptovecs came about in 2016, when I decided to provide a different service to entrepreneurs, investors, qualified investors, the elites and entrepreneurs out there. This is men and women who..

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Fellow entrepreneurs and dear community, it has been brought to my attention that there are multiple fake profiles impersonating my name and deliberately taking my images on Instagram and Facebook to use them in light of scamming those who would fall prey to their investment schemes and recommendations, making it seem as John Lombela is..

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Crypto Investing: don’t fall prey to wolves

There’s a fine line between investing and trading. Cryptocurrency investing isn’t trading nor is it associated with trading and that is where the misconception and confusion come from. And with the changing business landscape, it seems as though the best way to create wealth in today’s era is to invest in disruptive innovative projects or..

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The value of digital currencies

Money is no longer the commodity it was a decade ago. And yes having money does give one a sense of ‌relief, ‌ and control‌ ‌and helps realise ones ‌ ‌vision and goal but how we acquire money is changing, and so is the form of money. And with the changing business landscape and the..

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Venture Capital Firms & Funding: Webinar

Redefine your Hustle. As we adjust to the “new normal,’ it comes as no surprise that one would need to redefine their hustle in order to adapt to the changing landscape.   And with the business landscape turned upside, leaving entrepreneurs with more questions than answers it seems as though only innovative entrepreneurs will survive..

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